This is part of a series of short stories recollecting some of my trips around the country fishing 100 rivers, some were good, some brilliant and some just bonkers, there was always something going on. So when things are quiet I'll cast the mind back in no particular order and remember a few of these adventures.
No 83 The River Leam
I can't remember if it was a Saturday or Sunday but we headed up to Leamington to fish the river from which the town is named, it was one of those day ticket stretches that I always had a view to fish even though it wasn't the shallow streamy type that I adore, maybe that's why it took a while to get round to fishing it, mind you I always liked the name Leam, it sounds like it should be good for bream and the unknown as ever was the draw, although I had already reccied the stretch using the wonders of the internet so knew where to park right next to the river - but more of that later.
The river itself was pretty deep and slow but enjoyable to fish although I only did the morning as I promised the missus we'd look round town after lunch. I set up away away from the path and we sat under some trees on what was quite a warm day, the float dipped first cast which is always a good sign as a small roach kicked things off.
I had plenty more bites courtesy of roach and perch and there was one bream, a small one but pretty perfect, pictured here with some lilac flowers providing a nice backdrop.
It was a really nice morning's fishing and a river I would like to fish again one day. However what we will always remember most to this day was the events in the aforementioned car park prior to fishing.
Having just parked up and set off to the river an officious voice beckoned from behind stating in a bold manner.... "This is for the park and river, the bowls car park is THAT way!" Now it hadn't gone unnoticed by us that the National Bowls Championships were going on, there were signs everywhere so we chose the correct car park. It was just another car driver but maybe he should have noticed my rod and net handle, perhaps he could have seen the net bag and rucksack, or maybe the camo hat, the biggest give away though was I was wearing a fishing waistcoat and flippin' waders! It really hadn't dawned on me it was the ideal attire for lawn bowls. The missus just looked at him and said Duh! at the top of her voice which was quite bold for her, I just looked at her, then looked at my gear and laughed, Captain Oblivious (The nemesis of Captain Obvious no doubt) disappeared, perhaps realizing his folly as we struggled to contain ourselves, it was a priceless moment.
I can't go past a park whilst doing a bit of roving without thinking about that day, thinking about how I'm dressed and most of all thinking.... Anyone for a game of bowls?!